Wednesday 29 May 2024

Inflorescence on 4 of 5 varieties


We have strong inflorescence on the Rondo and Solaris and a few beginning to form on the Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. None on the Albarino, which looks sickly. 

An inflorescence in a flowering plant is a cluster of flowers arranged on a stem composed of a main branch or a system of branches. Inflorescences form within complex, or compound, buds in grapevines. Fruitful buds are initiated in leaf axils (where the leaf stalk, or petiole, meets the growing shoot).

The grape flower does not have conspicuous petals, instead, the petals are fused into a green structure termed the calyptra, commonly referred to as the cap. The cap encloses the reproductive organs and other tissues within the flower.

The grape cluster consists of peduncle, cap stems (also known as pedicels), rachis, and several berries. Depending on the variety, there is a big difference in the size and shape of the cluster, as well as in the shape, size, and colour of the berries. Each berry “hangs” on the pedicel.







Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir

Vigorous Pinot Noir.

Albarino is going to be replaced.

What shall we replace it with?

Sunday 26 May 2024

Ballymaloe not to be

The panel at Ballymaloe

A week ago, on the 18th of May, we were to be guest speakers in a panel discussion of Irish Winemaking, Past, Present and Future at Ballymaloe House in Cork. Instead, on Friday the 17th, I had emergency dental surgery to quell infection in my gums and save my tooth from loss or extraction. I don't know which prospect was more terrifying: speaking about growing grapes and making wine or lying in a chair with my mouth open for more than an hour under surgical assault?

I got the word a week before when I visited O'Brien for evaluation. As we planned a strategy, a cancellation came in for Friday the 17th. The doc said take the appointment or you may not get another for months. So I made the appointment. I felt bad as it had taken Alex days to book all the events we wanted to attend and the hotel, which had a no-refund policy. We lost money on both ends, and the surgery cost €650 plus the €200 from the first exam. It was an expensive weekend. 

We checked into the Victoria Hotel and treated ourselves to a fabulous dinner at Michelin-recommended Éan in Galway the night before. Worth it! Although I was annoyed at the hotel for giving a rate that was without taxes that added about €100 to the bill. But it was good to be right in the centre of town and a black from the periodontists' office as the appointment was for 9 am. 

I spent Friday and Saturday recovering from the surgery. Had an infection in my gums that wasn't resolving with antibiotics and antiseptics causing the loosening of a tooth. My brilliant periodontist said there was good reason why we should try to save the tooth. So, I counted 11 injections of lidocaine, three incisions, lots of hoking, lots of rinsing, treatment with ultraviolet light, insertion of bone regrowth graft medium, glueing of several teeth together for stability, and finally three sutures in the back and 5 in the front. An hour and a half later, I was on my way home, thanks to Alex driving. Quite woozy afterwards. 

The pain is not too bad but a seal that feels like chewing gum stuck to my teeth is annoying. He said we'd done everything humanly possible. Now it was up to God to decide the rest. 

No solid food for 4-5 days. Stitches will dissolve on their own. Followup in three weeks will see if it worked. Back to Galway 7 June. 

More than a week later, I realised that the sutures were gone. I am healing. Ballymaloe another year. 

Thursday 23 May 2024

Ukrainian vintners in Napa

A group of Ukrainian winemakers is being taught regenerative viticulture through an initiative in Napa Valley. From June 3-9, 2024, six distinguished Ukrainian vintners will engage in comprehensive "hands-on" training focusing on regenerative viticulture and natural winemaking. This initiative aims to elevate the quality and sustainability of Ukrainian wines and demonstrate the powerful role of agriculture in peacebuilding.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Florets on some


It was a grey start to the day. I took a walk up into the vineyard to check on progress. We were supposed to be part of a panel discussion in Ballymaloe today, but I had oral surgery yesterday and we had to withdraw. It was not a pleasant ordeal, and I am very sorry we missed the event. 

The Rondo and Solaris are budding profusely, but there is no evidence of flower buds on any of the others. The Chardonnay and Pinot Noir look healthy and vigorous. The Albarino look quite sickly. Oh well. 

Rondo buds
Solaris buds

Pinot Noir


The healthiest Albarino

Pinot Noir row



Saturday 11 May 2024

22C and Northern lights

10 May 2024 Aurora borealis view in Newport

At 3 pm, Furnace in Newport reported a temperature of 22C. I'd say we had the same. The skies were clear and there was a sun flare that hurtled to the earth creating a massive aurora borealis display over Ireland. Alex and I forgot to look. I am so dejected. Above is my friend's photo. 

The flare has been upgraded to 5 out of 5, so the strongest in a long time and could disrupt GPS and other electronic signals and devices over the weekend. Sadly, it's to be cloudy all weekend or we might be seeing more lights for days. 

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Warmth encourages flowering

Rondo and Solaris buds are forming. Two days ago I didn't see any. The warmest April on record, which I didn't feel was particularly warm, must have encouraged them. 

And in the polytunnel, Vanessa has bunches of grapes already forming. And one fuzzy little peach on my peach tree. 

Breaking records

Copernicus Climate Change Service reported that 2023 is the hottest year on record, with global temperatures close to the 1.5°C limit. 2023 was 1.48°C warmer than the 1850-1900 pre-industrial level. A 12-month period ending in January or February 2024 will likely exceed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level. 2023 marks the first time on record that every day within a year has exceeded 1°C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial level.

In a related story, Copernicus announced that April was the hottest on record at 1.61C above pre-industrial levels. It is the 11th straight record-breaking month, and likely pushed us over the 1.5C limit. Looks like we are well and truly f%&£$d.