The original vines planted in 2015 have grown massively this season, as everything else seems to have done, and are flowering profusely, both red and white. We may actually have a small harvest this year. Next year we must prune without reserve. First, we have to learn how.
“Professional wine courses for amateurs or aficionados, using e-learning, so allowing you to follow your course from home, 24/7″.
I have decided to take a course in viticulture and stumbled into an online course. That might be a good first step, but nothing can replace on site experience. So I will keep looking. Shall I choose France and learn from the best, go the America to learn from the innovative (in English), go to England to learn from those with experience in similar conditions, Chile or Argentina for the thrill, or down under for the craic. As with all other aspects of this journey, it will take a bit of research to reach a conclusion.
The European Wine Academy is an international wine academy offering you wine courses and education, no matter where you live, using 21st-century e-learning (distance education) on-line methods
I need to get your details for my UK Vineyards Guide (which inc Ireland and the Channel Isles) database. Can you please let me have an email address? or download a form from here . Thanks.