Wednesday 1 May 2024

Happy May Day!

Hawthorn or white thorn blooms in May

Called Bealtaine in Irish, May 1 signifies the beginning of summer in the Celtic world. And it certainly looks like it today. Some of the hawthorns even bloomed for today. Hawthorn is the May Bush and was traditionally decorated with ribbons and fabric trailers. 

The vineyard looks stunning with that intense blue sky overhead, and puffy white cumulous clouds really stand out. The bluebells at the top of the vineyard are delicate reminders of nature's resilience. The wild garlic and daisies are prolific. There are loads of white butterflies flitting about and busy bees collecting nectar and pollen for the hives. I'm back on duty as chief pollinator rescue warden, safely returning strays lost in the polytunnel to the wilderness. 




Pinot Noir

White butterfly

Native Irish bluebells

Ancient apple tree

Baby bleeding heart

Black elder

California lilac

Wild garlic and daisies


Intense blue sky

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