Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts

Monday 8 November 2021

Vineyard helpers

Charming alpacas

We are considering getting some assistance of the furry type for the vineyard. We've been looking at what other people have done and it's becoming a popular practice among regenerative farmers. Some of the animals employed in vineyards include miniature sheep to mow the grass and weeds, chickens, ducks and geese to control the insects, and even raptors to control the birds and the vermin. But I'm leaning towards alpacas and Alex is leaning towards Dexter cattle. Both are relatively small animals and wouldn't be able to reach the grapes. We'd have to wait until the vines are fairly woody so they wouldn't eat the vines themselves, but we're almost there. There is experience with both in vineyards already, so either would work.

We could raise the cattle naturally, letting them suckle their young as long as they wished. They'd be happy and we'd perhaps take a little milk. The alpacas would provide wool. Both would provide manure for natural fertilizer. Both are gentle animals with good dispositions that basically take care of themselves. 

I like this idea. We already have bees to pollinate and cats to keep the rodents under control. 

Diminutive Dexters