Saturday, 19 August 2023

Storm Betty


We in Mayo were spared the worst of Storm Betty. We had wind and rain but not the worst. It appears that Cork and Wicklow were most affected - Cork with flooding and Wicklow with wind taking down trees and power lines. 

Alex added a couple of kites this week. I am glad they survived Storm Betty. The highest gust was 42.7 knots at 0800h today. We got 2.9 mm of rain overnight. Now for a bit of sunshine.

The Atlantic Hurricane season seems to be coming to life with four disturbances being tracked by the NWS. They are all going to head east to west according to projections. Hopefully, we won't get one coming our way this year. 

As an aside, Alex moved the Century Black Demon from the garage into the shed today. The garage is becoming manageable territory. 

Friday, 18 August 2023

Bagging the clusters


It rained lightly overnight and an easterly gale blew in in the morning. So rather than painting again, I took to the vineyard to try to save some grapes from the avian airforce. I started bagging thinking I'd have enough to at least do the oldest ten vines. I used up all the bags without even getting close to protecting a good portion of the crop. Amazon to the rescue. We'll have lots more bags on Monday. 

We have a lot of grapes this year. All are looking healthy except for one cluster of Solaris that I cleaned a few not-so-healthy grapes from. I hope that's not the beginning of something bigger. A cheeky little bird flew out from the center of the vineyard as I was working. I figure their dose will be the quantity of grapes we should have removed to direct vigor to the more limited crop. 

We are to get a good bit of rain overnight tonight and there are four tropical disturbances NOAA is watching in the Atlantic. It's been quiet until now, but I think mother nature is going to make up for it. I hope they don't come this way just as we near harvest.

Meanwhile, Hurricane Hillary in the eastern Pacific has become a Cat 4 storm and it's heading up the Baja California coast and right up into the SW US, with potential landfall in LA. Hillary has intensified by 65 knots in 24 hours. Since 1900, only two still-tropical storms have hit California, one by direct landfall from offshore and another after making landfall in Mexico. No tropical cyclone has ever made landfall in California at hurricane intensity in recorded history.

They are expecting massive rain and flooding which may wreak havoc with the harvests in California. They expect flooding in the desert regions including potentially as far east as Nevada. Could Las Vegas be flooded? Sure, anything is possible these days. 

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Painting and other meaningless tasks

Sometimes, it is just really good to do something mindless. Like painting a fence. Something that lets that earworm work overtime. My default earworm is the Battle Hymn of the Republic for some unknown and bizarre reason. But this week, I've had a few more recent tunes on a loop in my head, including U2's I still haven't found what I'm looking for. Is there meaning in this? I'm about halfway done so I'd say I have three more days of mindless brush strokes to restore order in my brain. 

Alex put up an extra kite in the vineyard and started tying the bags onto the grape clusters but gave up when he got to this:

I'll go in tomorrow and bag the individual clusters I can find, especially the gorgeous Solaris. I'm still confused by the fact that we had no Solaris last year and tons of grapes this year. Fortunately, there is no indication of mold despite the roses having been affected last month - the wettest July on record. Perhaps the Galician method of overhead trellis training really does work. 

I ordered and paid for the first of the equipment for the winery today. We are buying via Thomas Walk with his guidance. He likes Alex who lived in Germany and has German roots. We'll have to go see his vineyard in Cork one day if he lets us. He doesn't usually do tours. I have a feeling Thomas is more of hermit than I am. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2023


The heron is on station, the CDs are deployed, the kites are flying, the vineyard is mowed, the shed is completed, the winery room has been built, and the equipment has been ordered. 

Tomorrow I bag as many bunches as I can. It really is looking like progress. I was very pleased last week when a first-time visitor exclaimed, "This really could be Tuscany."

We took some time off in the afternoon to go fishing. What a day it was out there on Clew Bay. 

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Making order

Alex hung the gate to the field and made a new gate for the other end of the shed. Then he built the stairs at the east end of the shed. So we have two ways of getting into the field above the shed. I transplanted lots of baby Nasturtium and fed apples to the donkeys, which they love. 

Next, Alex moved more stuff into the shed, and it's starting to fill up. Today we moved lots of wood from the garage which he'd been aging. And I cleaned out the classic Century Black Demon speedboat. There was a lot of crap in it. 

The Black Demon - a winter project

What it should look like