Tuesday 10 September 2024

Just about done with the bagging


We are probably only about a week away from harvest and we are desperately bagging the Solaris grapes as they mature very quickly. It's surprising how fast they've come on. Intervals of rain alternating with intervals of sunshine have produced magic. But many of the Solaris bunches have only partial fruit with a lot of duds. I have to look up what caused that. I remember reading about it. There were no birds in evidence again suggesting that the kites are working. Let's hope because bagging is a pain in the arse. 

Hens and chicks caused by cool weather during flowering. 

The Chardonnay have no fruit that I could detect but almost every vine of Pinot Noir does. However, they are so far from mature that I expect it would take another month to harvest them. We have a NW wind coming tonight and it will bring cold temps. Not conducive to grape ripening. Aside from that, the vines look like they are going to sleep already. Also not conducive. Oh well. Concept disproven for now. 

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