Thursday 23 May 2019

It's starting to look like a vineyard

Pergola completed, Alex took to cutting the grass. We've had trouble with the petrol-powered scythe; it would start fine and then cut out. The carburettor was clean, but it was obviously a fuel supply issue elsewhere. So the local fix-it guy suggested a new carburettor which Alex ordered from somewhere far away. Meanwhile, he noticed that the fuel line had a small filter. So he replaced it. Presto bingo it's working fine. So we'll have a spare carburettor when that arrives. Now, just a few more rows to mow and I can clear around the vines.

The last thing Alex did for the new structure was ground the wires. He noticed that there was significant corrosion of the support wires last year and it was starting with the new wire already this year. As the air is always charged with static electricity, and the wire exposed to damp salt air, he figured that grounding the wire could help preserve it much longer by protecting it against corrosion. Alex knows these things.

Our problem right now is that it still hasn't rained. Our mean rainfall for May is 95 mm.  Our total rainfall for May as of the 23rd is just 12.4 mm when it has been 60 mm+ in recent years.  Last year, the drought lasted from May through July. The year before it was April and May. Is this the new normal? The baby vines don't have much in the way of roots yet. The earth is rock hard but fortunately still moist about a foot down. We've watered the lower gardens but not the vineyard or the orchard.

We haven't lost any vines yet and we continue to pray for rain as we work our way through the chores.  I have ordered winemaking equipment and how-to books so we'll have plenty of time to prepare for the harvest. Let's hope there is one.

We need a tractor.

Just another row plus a few more to go.

Looking good.

Horseflies aren't biting yet.

Proud vineyard daddy.

Grounding for the wire

Grounding to help diffuse static electricity

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