Tuesday 11 June 2024

June is cold - brrrrr!


Last night the temperature dropped to 4C. Today it's overcast and downright cold. They said it was to be 15C mid-day, but with the breeze, it feels damned cold. Wearing fleece and quilted vest and still chilled. 

Saturday was lovely and sunny, and we had visitors for pizza lunch and a tour of the vineyard and hilltop. Sunday, it was drizzly and cool all day and we went for the open garden tour at Drimbawn in Tourmakeady. It was very enjoyable despite the weather. The head gardener, Frank Steffens, said he has been thinking about planting a vineyard on his own land, a South-facing slope, if he ever finds the money and the time. I learned a lot by studying what they've done there. They've come a long way since we were there last perhaps 5 or so years ago. 

The forecast for tomorrow is 3-5C overnight and 15C max during the day but at least it won't be windy. I don't know about this year's crop. The new growth is climbing vertically for some reason. In prior years it has always growth horizontally. The strawberries are growing up to the sky as well. Perhaps they are reaching for the sun?

Hattie enjoying the view.

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