Monday 24 June 2024

Progress in the vineyard

The vines are looking good despite very little rainfall this month. Today's vineyard chore was to raise the canes up onto the trellises and to snip the ends of rapidly growing vines. There's a gale on the way and today is quite windy gusting into the 20s, so I didn't want them to get whipped around and damaged by the wind.  It was quite easy to snip them this year as it was very clear where the florets stopped forming. 

I just love being in the vineyard. 

Met Éireann today issued a report called Translate. It's a unified approach to predict the extent of climate change effects and develop services to help with mitigation and adaptation. TRANSLATE1990 was  9.5C. In the period from 1991-2020 it was 10.25C. That's 0.75 higher in just 30 years. Our mean annual rainfall for the first period was 1261.50. In the more recent period, it was 1380.9 mm. 

Interestingly, we've always known we had a microclimate but our specific area of Clew Bay seems to have experienced less change than parts of Connemara and the southwest. This is their prediction for Mayo in a 1.5C increased climate. 

Mayo in a 1.5 degree world.

The mean annual air temperature in Mayo is projected to be 10.08°C in a 1.5-degree world. Average winter and summer precipitation rates are projected to be 5.36 mm/day and 3.10mm/day respectively.

A summary of change values (relative to 1976-2005) are shown below, along with ranges calculated from the 10th-90th percentile of the TRANSLATE ensemble.
Variable1.5°C GWL
Annual Mean Temperature (°C)0.72
(0.34 to 0.97)
Mean Winter Minimum Temperature (°C)0.64
(0.17 to 1.11)
Mean Summer Maximum Temperature (°C)0.64
(0.34 to 1.13)
Winter Precipitation Rate (%)6.21
(0.04 to 13.72)
Summer Precipitation Rate (%)0.80
(-11.78 to 10.70)

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